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Paardenkracht, vaak afgekort tot pk, is een oude eenheid die wordt gebruikt om aan te geven hoeveel vermogen iets heeft. 1 pk(l) is gelijk aan 745,699 watt en 1 pk(M) is gelijk aan 735,49875 watt. Van oudsher is 1 pk(M) het vermogen van twaalf paarden tezamen. Dit komt neer op 33.000 foot-pounds per minuut, wat ongeveer hetzelfde is als het.
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Watt. Definition: A watt (Symbol: W) is the SI (International System of Units) derived unit of power. It is defined as 1 joule per second and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer. History/origin: The watt is named after James Watt, a Scottish inventor. It was first proposed in 1882 by William Siemens who defined it as "the power.

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1 kWh = 3600.000 joule = 3600 kJ = 3,6 MJ. 1 calorie = 1 cal = 4,2 joule = 4,2 J. 1 kilowatt = 1000 watt = 1000 joule per seconde = 1000 J/s = 1 kJ/s. Een paar voorbeelden van energie en vermogen: Een forse stofzuiger heeft soms een vermogen van 1 kW, ofwel 1000 Watt, en verbruikt dus per seconde 1000 joule.

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Watt. Definition: A watt (Symbol: W) is the SI (International System of Units) derived unit of power. It is defined as 1 joule per second and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer. History/origin: The watt is named after James Watt, a Scottish inventor. It was first proposed in 1882 by William Siemens who defined it as "the power.

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Omreken tabel van kW naar PK. Voor het gemak kun je hieronder veel voorkomende conversies van kW naar PK terugvinden. Om van kiloWatt naar Paardenkracht te gaan, vermenigvuldig je het aantal kW met 1,362. Kilowatt (kW) Paardenkracht (PK) 1 kW. 1,362 PK. 5 kW. 6,81 PK.

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8 PK = 5965.6 Watts. 500 PK = 372849.94 Watts. 500000 PK = 372849935.79 Watts. 9 PK = 6711.3 Watts. 1000 PK = 745699.87 Watts. 1000000 PK = 745699871.58 Watts. PK naar Watts. Converteren tussen de eenheden (hp → W) of Zie de conversietabel.

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1 PK = 736 Watt. Hij stelde dat 1 PK het vermogen is van een trekpaard om 150 kilogram 30 meter op te hijsen in een minuut. De arbeid die het paard levert is kracht maal de afgelegde weg. Om het vermogen in Watt uit te drukken delen we de geleverde arbeid weer door de tijd: P = ∫ Fdl / 60 = (m * g * h) / 60 = (150 * 9,81 * 30) / 60 = 736.

convertisseur ampere watt
Fill in hp and convert to kW: Horsepower (hp) is a unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). There are many different standards and types of horsepower. The most common horsepower—especially for electrical power—is 1 hp = 746 watts. The term was adopted in the late 18th century by Scottish engineer James Watt to compare.

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How to Convert Petawatt to Watt. 1 PW = 1.0E+15 W 1 W = 1.0E-15 PW. Example: convert 15 PW to W: 15 PW = 15 × 1.0E+15 W = 1.5E+16 W. Popular Power Unit Conversions. hp to kw. kw to hp. hp to watts. watts to hp. BTU to Ton. Ton to BTU. Convert Petawatt to Other Power Units. Petawatt to Exawatt. Petawatt to Terawatt.

watt SI base unit of power In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s).. pk (Metric hp) i metric horse power Unit of power, defined to be the power required to raise a mass of 75 kilograms at a velocity of 1 meter per second. This is approximately 735.499 watts or 0.986.

3 Ways to Convert Watts to Amps wikiHow
Enter the apparent power in kilovolt-amps (kVA), select power factor (PF) from 0 to 1 with a 0.1 step, then press the Calculate button to get the result in watts (W). kVA to watts calculation kVA: Power Factor: Calculate Watts: 0 P(W) = 1000 × S(kVA) × PF The real power P in watts (W) is equal to 1000, […]

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1 hp(E) = 746 W. So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by: P (W) = 746 ⋅ P (hp) Example. Convert 10 hp to watts: P (W) = 746 ⋅ 10hp = 7460 W . Metric horsepower to watts. One metric horsepower is equal to 735.49875 watts: 1 hp(M) = 735.49875 W. So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by: P (W) = 735.49875.

KilowattHours (kWh) to Kilowatts (kW) Conversion Calculator
The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) is equal to the power P in watts (W), times the time period t in hours (hr) divided by 1000: E(kWh) = P(W) × t(hr) / 1000. Convert watts to kilowatt-hours (kWh) using our user-friendly watts to kWh calculator. Simply enter the power consumption in watts and the duration of usage to get the kWh equivalent.

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Calculating KWh to Watts: To determine the power P in watts (W) from energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh), multiply the energy by 1000 and then divide by the duration t in hours (hr): P (W) = 1000 × E (kWh) / t (hr) Understanding the Basics: Kilowatt-hours (kWh): Represents energy consumption. Watts (W): Indicates the rate of power or energy use.

Megawatt (MW) Definition, Origin, Usage, & Conversion Formulas
A watt is a unit of power corresponding to an energy transfer rate (energy consumed/transferred per unit of time). At the same time, a watt-hour is an energy unit referring to the total amount of energy a system using one watt (1 W) consumes in an hour. 1 W = 1 J/s and 1 Wh = 3600 J

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Een elektrisch vermogen is gelijk aan 746 watt: 1 pk (E) = 746 W. Dus de vermogensconversie van watt naar pk wordt gegeven door: P (pk) = P (W) / 746. Voorbeeld. Zet 10W om in elektrische paardenkracht: P (pk) = 10W / 746 = 0,013405 pk . Watts naar metrische pk. Een metrische pk is gelijk aan 735,49875 watt: 1 pk (M) = 735,49875 W
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